LWM Technology Services

Preserving the Value in Enterprise Knowledge

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Representative Cases

A knowledge audit establishing a multidimensional model of networked content repositories, expert and departmental relationships, and customer connections was completed for a mid-sized government contractor in the high tech industry. Follow-on work included: search engine administration for the corporate intranet, taxonomy development and training for departments, content management system specification development, selection and implementation support, and site search selection for company web site.

A patented system for auto-categorizing a large (giga- to terabyte) text data corpus was evaluated for potential as an add-on application to a content management product line. Principal focus of analysis was the automatic taxonomy/thesaurus generator. The result of the project was a report with business relationship recommendations for the investigating company.

Project leadership was provided to a federally funded research laboratory's Library and Archives Group to establish an ongoing program of thesaurus development to frame a browsing search interface for the organization's published and proprietary content. A method for interviewing scientists and engineers was developed to capture the language of their subject expertise. From this process major categories of terminology were established and a process for building and maintaining the controlled vocabulary was set forth in guidelines and recommendations for the incoming lead taxonomist.

The Library and Information Center operations of a large biotech company were evaluated to assess the current and potential value of the services performed. The study solicited reviews from departments. The result was a report to top executives based on interviews with middle management. It supported increased staffing to enhance and expand existing services and the recommendations were adopted.

A Navy department required specialized training and support services for its library and information center personnel to help improve the quality of the technical reports database. Based on the contractors expertise, a program for training in metadata management, content indexing and taxonomy building was developed and used to train departmental information personnel. A subcontractor was assigned and supervised for further development of the specialized taxonomy and thesaurus.

A government agency required a database application for managing personnel resumes and publications. A requirements study resulted in the development of a prototype Web application for employees to submit and maintain resumes, biographies, and publication vitae on-line.

The company has professional experience on standards committees involved in ongoing evaluation of NISO and ISO draft standards, contributing substantive change recommendations. In the course of software development of integrated library, search and information management software, adoption and integration of these standards was a significant aspect of product development cycles.

Business relationship management and partnerships have been a significant activity for 20+ years in the software industry. Our professional experience has resulted in numerous relationships with vendors, and hundreds of contracts with customers procuring high-end software and services. We are highly skilled in evaluating agreements to assure fair and positive results for both parties in software business partnerships.

Our information science and research orientation has been applied to numerous projects of competitive intelligence surveillance for clients in diverse industries. Establishing procedures and processes for maintaining critical awareness of inter-industry trends is a particularly strong aspect of our business support services.

For a petroleum exploration company, an energy economics consulting practice, a government defense agency and a government contractor we have developed guidelines and practices for industry specific taxonomies. We are well-connected to subject specialists in areas outside of our expertise for building content management taxonomies.

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